Binjiang Property Spares No Effort in Flood Prevention During the Violent Mei-yu Period
Publisher: Release time:2024-06-27
The violent Mei-yu period has begun in southern China, and many cities have experienced heavy rainfall. At 10:00 on June 24th, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued the first red alert for rainstorms of the year. Under such a situation, flood prevention and control has become a significant issue.

At 22:00 on June 24th, the Xin’anjiang Reservoir opened seven sluice gates to release flood waters, and the water level in Beizhijiang Park in Fuyang exceeded the warning level, resulting in the entire parking being inundated. In Shui Xie Shan Ju, a residential quarter served by Binjiang Property and located approximately 30 meters away from this park in a straight line, a series of urgent preventive measures were taken by various sections of the property management service center.

Now the property management service center of Fuyang Shui Xie Shan Ju has increased the patrol frequency around the residential quarter to promptly identify potential waterlogging hazards. Additionally, about 200 sandbags and flood prevention equipment such as water pumps have been prepared at the east and south entrances near the Beizhijiang Park to counter any changes in the flood situation.

Hangzhou Fuyang Shui Xie Shan Ju

According to director Guo of the service center in Shui Xie Shan Ju, if the water level continued to rise to the levee, the contingency plan would be activated to block the east and south entrances with flood control baffles and sandbags and guide vehicles to other entrances or to park at the roadside. The service center is committed to guarding the entrances and protecting the safety of all proprietors.

The flood prevention work is of the utmost urgency. In this critical battle against floods, Binjiang Property has strengthened the bottom-line thinking, and the staff of various service centers have prepared flood prevention supplies in advance and hold fast to their positions at the frontline to ensure effective drainage and flood prevention. The drainage facilities and equipment are inspected if they are in good condition, the roofs and platforms are cleaned to prevent gutters and sewer pipes from blockage, and the drainage ditches, inspection wells, and drainage pumps in the basement were carefully checked one by one to avoid rainwater backflow and drainage difficulties.

Hangzhou Xixi Star

Hangzhou Golden Coast

Hangzhou Riviera Mansion

In Hangzhou Double Bay International City, the property management staff did a comprehensive inspection of the residential quarter’s drainage system during the rainstorm, including the cleaning of road drainage ditches, inspection and unclogging of roof gutters and floor drains, and testing of flood control baffles, ensuring all preventive measures were in place to secure the security of the residential quarter.

Hangzhou Double Bay International City

In Hangzhou Lake Villa, the property management service center put non-slip grass mats at the garage entrances, and the cleaning staff also increased the frequency of cleaning the non-slip floors in the garage to eliminate safety hazards and protect the home of everyone.

Hangzhou Lake Villa

To counter the violent Mei-yu weather, the property management service center of Shanghai Wisdom Park mobilized all staff to guarantee the safety of the residential quarter and the underground garage. The service center activated the contingency plan against floods. The roofs, gutters, drains, and drainage ditches of car ramps and pavements are cleaned and unclogged, and the collecting wells and drainage equipment in the basement are inspected comprehensively to ensure their normal function. Meanwhile, the proprietors are also reminded to timely check and unclog drains on balconies and terraces.

Shanghai Wisdom Park

Many projects under the management of the Southern Zhejiang Branch have organized flood prevention drills during the Mei-yu period, aiming to enhance the emergency response of employees. Instructed by meteorological alerts in Jinhua, the service center of Jinhua Wanhu Square organized flood prevention inspections at the main entrances of the residential quarters, rooftops, and emergency warehouses to eliminate potential hazards.

Flood prevention drill in Yiwu The Top Grade 

Jinhua Wangu Square

As multiple regions are facing severe flood control challenges, Binjiang Property is taking proactive actions and charging ahead to prevent floods and safeguard the residential quarters under its service.

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