Make Your Heart Beat Again at the First Time
First Aid Training at The City Star
Publisher: Release time:2020-01-08

To help both staff and proprietors enhance the first aid knowledge and awareness, get a full understanding of the function and use method of the community’s first-aid device AED (automated external defibrillator), and strengthen their ability to save others and themselves, The City Star Service Center organized and provided the first aid training in the community on December 6th, 2019.

This training invited professional teachers from The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University to explain first-aid knowledge and skills and introduce the function and use method of AED, so as to bring hope to trainees’ family, friends and people around them at the crucial moment.

Make people’s heart beat again at the first time. Proprietors and property management staff showed great participation in this training, and this training really helped trainees improve their safety awareness and has achieved the expected effect.


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