Two Order Team Members of Xixi Star Bravely Fought the Fire
And Were Publicly Commended for Doing Boldly What is Righteous
Publisher: Release time:2023-07-19

Hangzhou is a city full of love and where the spirit of bravery for a just cause is passed down. Recently, two order team members of Hangzhou Binjiang Property were awarded an honor for their heroic firefighting.

Days ago, at Binjiang Xixi Star in Yuhang District, Hangzhou, two patrolling order team members Feng Jianlong and Li Zhenghong found a fire on the sixth floor of Building 32. After reporting to their superiors, they immediately grabbed extinguishers and rushed to the scene. Arriving just as the proprietor returned, they found that the kitchen was already ablaze. Without hesitation, Feng Jianlong and Li Zhenghong stepped forward boldly to control the fire with extinguishers until the last glimmer of open fire was extinguished, successfully avoiding greater personal and property losses to the proprietor. 

Disregarding their own safety, the brave actions of Feng Jianglong and Li Zhenghong in the face of fire protected the personal and property safety of the people and exemplify the spirit of doing boldly what is righteous. According to relevant regulations, Hangzhou Yuhang Foundation for Justice and Courage decided to commend Feng Jianlong and Li Zhenghong publicly and provide each a one-time prize of 1,000 yuan.

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