“The First Bowl of Laba Porridge from Property Management Team!”
Laba Porridge Spread Warmth and Blessings in Binjiang Property’s Projects
Publisher: Release time:2024-01-22

Listed as a national intangible cultural heritage, the Laba Festival falls on the eighth day of the 12th month on the Chinese calendar and is the prelude of the Chinese Lunar New Year. This year, the Laba Festival fell on January 18th. Like every year in the past, Binjiang Property staff have responded to the wishes of the proprietors and adhered to the traditional customs of the Laba Festival.

On the eve of the Laba Festival, numerous Binjiang Property’s projects in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shaoxing, Yiwu, Jinhua, and Quzhou were busy preparing Laba porridge for proprietors. In some residential quarters, the preparation of ingredients for Laba porridge began half a month in advance.

Taking the following three residential quarters as examples, the eight ingredients for Laba porridge are mostly the same but still slightly different in different residential quarters.

Hangzhou Haiyujinghua Apartment purchased sticky rice, purple rice, peanuts, Job’s tears, red dates, dried longan, red beans, and white kidney.

Thousand Island Lake East Coast prepared rice, sticky rice, red beans, longan, Job’s tears, black rice, peanuts, and red dates.

Shanghai Wisdom Park chose rice, sticky rice, black rice; red bean, kidney beans, red dates, barley kernels, and peanuts as eight ingredients of Laba porridge.

On Laba Festival, the property management staff of Shanghai Wisdom Park started cooking Laba porridge at 2:00AM to distribute over 300 bowls of warm Laba porridge to the proprietors in the morning.

In Hangzhou Haiyujinghua, 4 order team members shouldered the responsibility to cook Laba porridge overnight with two large rice cookers. On the morning, the stewards portioned out the porridge very early and distributed 500 bowls to proprietors from 9:00.

In Thousand Island Lake East Coast, another 500 bowls of Laba porridge cooked by the night-shift property management staff in the early hours of the morning was distributed. The customer service team began to distributed the porridge to proprietors going to work at various gates at around 7:20, and other proprietors were allowed to received a bowl of porridge at the service center after 8:00. As to elderly proprietors living alone, property management staff offered extra care and sent the porridge to them in person.

On Laba Festival, proprietors in many residential quarters served by Binjiang Property enjoyed the warm Laba porridge carefully cooked by respective property management staff and received warmth and blessings carried by the Laba porridge. “The first bowl of Laba porridge from the property management team warmed my day.” “The Laba porridge is thick and fragrant and sweet. Thank you a lot.” The feedback from proprietors of Thousand Island Lake Peninsula Impression voiced the true feelings of the proprietors and touched the hearts of property management staff who believe that their efforts are worthwhile. A bowl of Laba porridge warms not only the bodies but also the hearts of both proprietors and property management staff.

Binjiang Property as an enterprise has always been proactive to enhance the well-being of the elderly. On this Laba Festival which coincided with the government’s introduction of “Silver Economy”, the frontline property management staff actively responded to Binjiang Property’s call for care for the elderly and sent the heart-warming Laba porridge to the elderly who live alone or are advanced in age.

“There are several elderly proprietors who live alone in our residential quarter. And we sent porridge to them in person to make them feel the warmth and love of our big family,” said a property management worker in Hangzhou College View Garden.

According to the service center of Quzhou Chunjiangyue, it has become a Laba tradition of proprietors to wait for a bowl of Laba porridge distributed by property management staff at the entrance of the service center. The elderly residents living on their own in Guiyuan were never forgotten and also received the porridge freshly cooked and sent by property management staff in person.

Furthermore, caring for the delivery workers and many other outdoor workers is also a consistent action of Binjiang Property's various projects. A deliveryman who received the Laba porridge from College View Garden's steward praised, "The Laba porridge is really good, so warm and considerate!" In addition, stewards of College View Garden also distributed Laba porridge to the frontline members standing guard in the cold wind to keep them warm.

A small bowl of Laba porridge is a reflection of Binjiang Property staff’s commitment to inheriting traditional culture and conveying warmth.

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