Binjiang Service Group, A Promoter of ESG Development
Was Awarded the Title of 2023 Zhejiang Provincial Model Enterprise of Corporate Social Responsibility
Publisher: Release time:2024-07-24
On July 19th, the “Promoting ESG Development, Supporting Chinese-style Modernization – 2024 Zhejiang Corporate Social Responsibility Forum” was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, where more than 200 representatives from politics, academia, and exemplary enterprises of social responsibility gathered together to discuss new models and paths for ESG development.

ESG, standing for Environmental, Social, and Governance, refers to an investment philosophy and a set of standards that focuses on the environmental, social, and governance performance of enterprises.

 “In the context of our country’s comprehensive advancement of ESG development, it has become a significant issue in Zhejiang to leverage the synergistic effects of government, industries, enterprises, and society to achieve sustainable enterprise development.” According to Zheng Zhiling, deputy director of the Administrative and Legal Affairs Office of the Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang, enterprises in Zhejiang adhere to the principle of sustainable development, integrate ESG philosophy into their corporate strategies, operations, and management, and have conducted beneficiary explorations and practices and accumulated rich experiences in ESG implementation, setting exemplary models for the entire province and even the nation.

During the forum, outstanding enterprises of corporate social responsibility in Zhejiang Province were recognized, and Binjiang Service Group was awarded the honorary title of 2023 Zhejiang Provincial Model Enterprise of Corporate Social Responsibility.

In recent years, Binjiang Service Group has been practicing the ESG philosophy and achieved certain accomplishments in environment protection, social responsibility fulfillment, and corporate governance enhancement, which empowers the enterprise to steadily advance toward sustainable development.

To promote environmental protection and foster a deep-rooted environmental awareness among proprietors, Binjiang Service encourages proprietors to plant a tree on Arbor Day to contribute to a green world. At the same time, it also puts extra effort into energy conservation and emission reduction across various projects, from a single light-sensitive and motion-sensing lamp in the corridor to the implementation of standard energy management for facilities and equipment.

In an effort to fulfill its social responsibility, Binjiang Service has not only demonstrated its strong sense of social responsibility and mission in addressing fire safety, typhoon, and flood issues within residential quarters but also offered warm care for the elderly population - the launch of Binjiang Proprietor’s in-depth “Ginkgo Service” company for the elderly has practically enhanced the sense of belonging and happiness among the elderly. In terms of community activities, Binjiang Service focuses on sustainability and interactivity and has held the “I’m a Swimmer” swimming contest for young proprietors for eleven consecutive years, with thousands of children challenging themselves and striving for the best in the swimming pool. In addition, Binjiang Service also shows its care for outdoor workers.

Binjiang Service takes employee care and development seriously and has taken multiple measures to improve employee benefits and welfare. It also provides various employee training to cater to employees’ diversified development needs and lay a solid talent foundation for the future growth of the enterprise.

To strengthen corporate governance, Binjiang Service has established a three-tier quality control system to ensure service quality, implemented a standardized management system for service upgrades, and taken information-based and intelligent measures to control costs and increase efficiency, thereby reinforcing quality management. Internally, it advances reforms and innovations, establishes an internal discipline supervision and investigation team, improves the enterprise asset supervision and management system, and further enhances risk prevention and control to ensure the healthy development of the enterprise.

The path is long and fraught with challenges, yet with perseverance, we will reach the destination. ESG construction is an important path towards high-quality development. Binjiang Service Group is committed to going deep into ESG practice to promote innovative development, improve brand image, and enhance market competitiveness of the enterprise, and will spare no efforts to grow into a modernized enterprise of intelligent innovation with a strong sense of environmental protection and social responsibility.

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