An Emergency Rescue, A Test!
Publisher: Release time:2024-08-29
In late August, the high temperature in Hangzhou has not subsided, and it would be a big trouble for residents if they encounter a sudden water outage. Recently, 40 households in a building of the residential quarter named Golden City in Fuyang District, Hangzhou City experienced such a distressing situation. Binjiang Property’s service center at Golden City responded swiftly, coordinating with the project’s developer and Binjiang Real Estate’s project team in Fuyang to dispatch professionals to excavate the ground and locate the leak. After an intense seven-and-a-half-hour emergency repair, the normal water supply was restored, allowing residents to get their lives back on track.

At 16:04 on August 21st, a cleaning staff of the property service center at Golden City noticed water leakage from the ceiling of the basement and promptly reported it to the working group on WeChat and then cleaned up the standing water with the assistance of security guards who arrived soon. The engineering section quickly responded to the report and investigated the cause of the leak. After draining the standing water, the engineering section identified the leak point in the underground water supply network on the east side of 1-5F of Building 7. The leak was concealed at a depth of over 1 meter underground and was not visible to the naked eye. The property service center soon shut off the water valve and activated the water outage emergency plan.

During the scorching summer months, residents’ demand for both domestic water and electricity surges along with the temperature. Ensuring a stable water supply is fundamental to the residents’ well-being, and the primary task of the service center at that time was to guarantee the emergency water supply for residents. A water delivery relay team was soon established. The engineering staff set up a temporary water collection point and prepared 20 buckets at the entrance of Building 7, ready to provide water to residents in need. The customer service section sent notices about the water outage and the emergency water delivery service through WeChat group and then called the 40 households within the affected area one by one to explain the situation. The patroller also went door-to-door to make sure that every household was fully notified.

The emergency repair work required the use of specialized equipment such as air hammers and PE pipe welding machines. Given the complexity of the concealed underground work, the service center promptly contacted the project developer and requested assistance from the construction team of a neighboring construction site to make a repair plan. At 18:30, the external technical team arrived. After multiple tests, on-site positioning, and blueprint analysis, a repair plan that minimized the damage to the ground surface was finalized. At 19:10, the repair work started. After excavating the stone flooring of about 1 square meter, three workers started digging deeper with tools such as large shovels and small hoes as well as their bare hands. By 22:00, after digging down 1.5 meters, the leak point was finally discovered.

With the discovery of the leak point, the cause emerged as the disconnection of two pipes due to the corrosion of the clamping screw. In view of the inability to procure the necessary materials at night and the residents’ urgent need for water, the service center at this critical moment promptly sourced the material from the nearby construction site of Binhui Mansion, a development project of Binjiang Real Estate in Fuyang. After seven and a half hours of concerted efforts, the normal water supply for the 40 households was restored at 22:30.

Witnessing the arduous construction process and the sweat and mud on the workers’ bodies and faces, many residents paused their steps and expressed their concern. “I have nothing to complain about seeing you all working so hard in such scorching weather.” Another resident noted that it was commendable for the property management team to coordinate multiple parties and successfully complete such challenging work.

Every emergency rescue is like a test for the property management staff. The frontline Binjiang Property staff will always prioritize the people’s well-being and make bold breakthroughs to fulfill their mission.
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