A Cleaner of Shangyu The City Star Returned a Gold Necklace with No Thought of Reward
Publisher: Release time:2020-11-24

Ye Liqing, a cleaner of Shangyu The City Star, picked up a gold necklace while cleaning around the residential quarter and then submitted it to the director of the service center.

The property management staff put up a Lost and Found notice and stewards looked for the owner for several days. When the owner was found, the owner herself did not even know that she had lost something. Finally the gold necklace was after comparing with related evidence returned to its original owner.

“It is just my responsibility and what I should do to return owners their property,” said Ye Liqing. Many proprietors also gave a thumb up for Ye’s behavior in WeChat proprietor group.

The owner of the gold necklace was touched by Ye’s spirit of returning with no thought of reward and showed her respect to Ye’s personality and gratitude to property management staff.


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