Handled Over-sized Mattress, Accompanied Sick Proprietor
Binjiang Property, Your Good Friend in Life
Publisher: Release time:2021-03-22

Recently, a proprietor of Hangzhou Jadeite Mansion got a problem when moving into the new house. When handling the mattress, he found the mattress was over-sized for the elevator. He called the service center for help, and soon the customer service leader Ying Tingting arrived and helped carry the mattress to the proprietor’s home on the 10th floor with his colleagues. Though it was an exhausting job and everyone was sweating, they felt glad to help the proprietor with the pressing need.

Good property management service is heart-warming. Ying Yongchao, a team member of the order section of Jadeite Mansion also received praise and gratefulness from a proprietor for his prompt appearance at the proprietor’s home after being informed of sudden lumbar sprain of the proprietor during house cleaning and for his company all the way from the proprietor’s home to the ambulance.




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