The Scorching Challenge of “Escorting” Asian Games in Hangzhou
Loving Proprietors Bring Coolness and Binjiang Property Sets Off Again with Improved Quality
Publisher: Release time:2023-07-19

The frontline property management personnel of Binjiang Property stand fast to their posts and take up the scorching challenge of “escorting” the Asian Games in Hangzhou. At the just-concluded “I’m a Swimmer” swimming contest for Binjiang Property’s young proprietors, order team members wearing “Escort the Asian Games” red armbands received young swimmers and parents from all corners of Hangzhou with the most upright and handsome postures and guidance, reflecting the quality of Binjiang service and also proprietors’ trust in Binjiang Property.

The coming of the hottest days also implies the approaching of the opening of the Asian Games in Hangzhou. As the scorching heat wave waves hit, in addition to the heatstroke prevention work, faith is essential to create a giant green umbrella to together build the most beautiful homeland and welcome the Asian Games

In all projects of Binjiang Property, the gate sentries are standing straight, making the sincerest salute, and offering the warmest services despite the blazing sun; greening and cleansing workers start their work early to water and care for the gardens; engineering workers are busy inspecting and repairing throughout residential quarters… Property management staff at all positions are perspiring, evidencing their passion for work, their responsibility towards proprietors, and their loyal confession to the homeland.

Regardless of the temperature, the standard and warm service will be there for all proprietors as always. The familiar herb tea booth once again appears at the gate of the residential, giving out coolness as well as love to environment sanitation workers, couriers, takeout deliverymen, and other outdoor workers. “We are ready to contribute as much as we could at our ordinary posts to ‘escort’ the Asian Games,” said a property management worker of Hangzhou Yurun Qianchaofu.

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