Binjiang Proprietors Make Friends Through Table Tennis at “Table Tennis Love” Table Tennis Contest
Publisher: Release time:2023-08-08

Sending off the Typhoon Khanun, it was time for Binjiang proprietors to enjoy the “Table Tennis Love” table tennis contest, the second “With Lively Binjiang, Embrace the Asian Games” event of this summer on August 5th.

Many Binjiang proprietors as players arrived at the table tennis hall of Hangzhou Public Fitness Center early in the morning for pre-game warm-up training, fully showing their enthusiasm for the game. In response to the requirements of the contest, many service centers where players were from assigned teams led by order team members, stewards, customer service directors or project directors to accompany and cheer for their players. Their considerate services were well received and praised by the players.

The international referee Wu Zhai and the national referee Zhu Chenjun as chief referees and another eight professional referees were there to secure the success of the contest. While strictly following the rules, the players also enjoyed every second of the game. Forehand serves, backhand serves, high-quality spinning serves, and good returns all brought loud cheers from the audience. The excellent counterattacks and the resolute footsteps of players conveyed their self-confidence and reflected their courage to challenge themselves.

After the preliminary round, players who made it to the top eight gained more confidence in themselves. The game is all about hustle. However, although there were also young players who were regretful for not being able to overcome the stable skills of their opponents, learning from opponents and realizing the direction of improvement during the game was also a good experience for those who failed to make it to the top eight as amicable exchange and communication was the original intention of the contest.

There were height and age differences everywhere in all groups. But the seemingly weak side showed little fear and face the challenge bravely, showcasing their strong fighting spirit. Among them, there was a very young player to give his all to save a ball, arousing a great cheer from the audience.

As it proceeded to the quarterfinals and semifinals, the game got more intensified. Many first-place players that fought their way through the group stage encountered even stronger opponents, and an offensive strategy was selected by most players. “I have faith in you. You can definitely make it into the final.” Such encouragements could be heard everywhere on the sidelines.

The excited audience were attracted by outstanding players, while service centers’ accompanying teams were concerned about and busy cheering for players of their own residential quarters. Some players also actively communicated with skilled ones and praised each other’s skills. Scenes at the venue such as audience cheering for players and people taking group photos are all unique and infectious scenery. Meeting like-minded people and making friends through table tennis is exactly the charm of the game.

In the finals, players went all out to fight for the champion and to not disappoint themselves after long preparation. Stable mentality and skill performance were key to victory. In the end, Sun Haotian won the championship in the youth men’s group with Hu Yuquan coming in second; Shen Jiayue defeated Zhang Yixuan to take the first place in the youth women’s group; Ni Ye lived up to expectations and won a victory over Tuqiang in the adult men’s group; and Zhu Chun won against Wu Dongmei in the adult women’s group.

“I’m really happy and was excited the whole time and would like thank organizers for allowing players to enjoy such a professional table tennis event for our players.” Both audience and players felt the same rush of adrenaline brought by the “Table Tennis Love” table tennis contest for Binjiang proprietors, and many of them also shared their experience and feelings after the contest.

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