“Perseverance in Duties under Scorching Sun, Commendation by Proprietors Cooling the Summer Down”
Publisher: Release time:2023-08-21

The heat doesn’t seem to recede in August, and Binjiang Property’s front-line property management staff are still fighting the heat, never slackening in their efforts to resist typhoons and floods. Actively responding to Hangzhou City’s call of “Holding a Meeting, Bolstering a City” for the Asian Games, Binjiang Property endeavors to enhance the quality and upgrade the services to welcome the Asian Games and showcase the new features of urban residential quarters as cells of the city.

To extend gratitude to the front-line property management staff for persevering in their duties and safeguarding the common home even under scorching sun, the proprietor committees and warm-hearted proprietors of many residential quarters in many regions such as Hangzhou and Shaoxing voluntarily carry out the “Cooling the Summer” activity, moistening the hearts of property management staff like a gentle breeze and a soft drizzle.

Hangzhou Xixi Star

Slogans appearing on the spot of “Cooling the Summer” event in Hangzhou Xixi Star on July 29th such as “Perseverance in Duties under Scorching Sun, Commendation by Proprietors Cooling the Summer Down”, “Stewards on Call at All Times”, “No. 1 Residential Quarter in Wuchang” are words of praise come up with by proprietors commending the work of Binjiang Property’s front-line property management staff. That day, the proprietor committee of Hangzhou Xixi Star visited front-line property management staff and offered over ten varieties of summer supplies such as summer quilt, mung bean soup, herbal tea, laundry detergent, making the summer in Xixi Star exceptionally refreshing.

Hangzhou Jiangnan Yufu

The proprietor committee of Hangzhou Jiangnan Yufu is concerned with Binjiang Property’s front-line property management staff and has the tradition to carry out the “Cooling the Summer” event every summer. This summer, they offered watermelons, refreshing beverages, mineral water, eight-treasure porridge, and instant noodles to the front-line property management staff and asked outdoor workers to guarantee effective protective measures against the heat. The kindness of the proprietor committee indeed brings refreshing coolness to the hearts of property management staff in this torrid summer.

Warm-hearted proprietors of Jiangnan Yufu also often help and comfort property management staff who persevere through high temperature. And the property management director Yuan also offered thirst-quenching watermelons to those front-line property management staff. 

In response to the company’s public welfare call, the management service center of Jiangnan Yufu has set a free herbal tea stand at the entrance of the residential quarter to offer refreshment to outdoor workers, which has become a unique and refreshing sight in summer.

Hangzhou Kunlun Mansion

This summer, Ms. Ren, a loving proprietor of Building 1 in Hangzhou Kunlun Mansion, touched by the quality services provided by front-line property management staff of Binjiang Property in her daily life, sent 70 boxes of beverages including sprite and cola to the front-line property management as an acknowledgement and recognition of the guardianship of order team members, considerate services of stewards, and professional technical ability of engineering workers. Property management staff are grateful for the coolness and refreshment brought by proprietors in the hot summer and committed to returning proprietors’ love with better services.

Shaoxing Golden Garden

Shaoxing Jishan Emerald Garden

In August, the front-line property management staff Shaoxing Golden Garden and Shaoxing Jishan Emerald Garden also received the special summer refreshment from their proprietor committee, including a letter of thanks, and boxes of refreshing beverages. The proprietor committee of Shaoxing Golden Garden also offered eight-treasure porridge and instant noodles to the front-line property management staff.

In the two letters of thanks, both proprietor committees of Shaoxing Golden Garden and Shaoxing Jishan Emerald Garden mentioned that what residents need is not just a house but a warm home and expressed their appreciation of the service centers’ contribution to the common homes. The “Thank You” and “Well Done” from proprietors boost the morale of property management staff and motivate them to double their effort and provide warmer services whole-heartedly.

Quzhou Chunjiangyue

On a torrid summer day, secretary Jiang from Baiyun Community sent watermelons to the service center of Quzhou Chunjiangyue and carefully reminded property management staff to take precautions against the heat. Besides, Ms. Pan, a proprietor of Quzhou Chunjiangyue, offered 20 love-filled heatstroke prevention packages to the cleansing workers and order team members to help cool the summer down. Moved and inspired by the Community and the proprietor, the property management staff are determined to do their job with even more efforts and serve the proprietors even better.

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