A Bowl of Handmade Longevity Noodles Prepared by Property Management Staff for Double Ninth Day!
Bijiang Property Accompanies the Elderly with "Ginkgo Service"
Publisher: Release time:2023-10-27
On the eve of the Double Ninth Festival, Binjiang Property’s “‘Ginkgo Service’ for the Elderly” activity has been launched in various residential quarters. In the face of an aging society, it has always been a major issue in property service to inherit the national culture of “respecting, honoring, and caring for the elderly” and provide fine services for the increasing elderly population in residential quarters.

Binjiang Property, on the one hand, from the perspective of people’s livelihood, offers convenient services and pays frequent visits to the elderly to help solve their daily needs and convey warmth. On the other hand, Binjiang Property is also preparing and organizing more activities that the elderly can participate in. The open-air summer film festival recalled the old days and received universal praise from the elderly, and the “With Lively Binjiang, Embrace the Asian Games” Binjiang Property Tiderip Carnival held in over ten residential quarters offered the elderly chances to enhance the interaction with their grandchildren and also to show their vitality.

Double Ninth Day is a day for the elderly. Many residential quarters under Binjiang Property carefully planned and enthusiastically organized activities for the Double Ninth Day to create a sense of festive ritual and a sense of comfort, health, and happiness exclusive to the elderly.

Preparing longevity noodles for the elderly on the Double Ninth Day is a tradition in Qiandaohu East Coast. On October 23rd, the property management staff of East Coast prepared the special longevity noodles to add an autumn flavor and fragrance to the Double Ninth Day. This year, Hangzhou Jiangnanyufu also took the baton to cook handmade noodles for elderly proprietors. The skillful stewards made noodles on the spot, attracting many curious proprietors. And bowls of fragrant tomato and egg noodles won the praise of the elderly proprietors. Free dental consultation and convenient services were also provided at the same time. The love for the elderly warmed up the Double Ninth Day.

The service center of Hangzhou Lake Villa also had a full plan for the Double Ninth Day, covering aspects such as health, food, cleaning, and safety. The community invited doctors to take the pulse and measure the blood pressure, enhancing the elderly’s personal health awareness; property management staff offered free house cleaning, household appliance maintenance, and circuit inspection to old proprietors advanced in years and living alone to guarantee their safety; stewards delivered longevity noodles and Double Ninth cakes to proprietors over 65. The whole-set Double Ninth gift was well received by the elderly.

On October 20th, Hangzhou Jiangnan Mansion provided free traditional Chinese medicine including cupping therapy, plaster application, blood pressure measurement, and oral health examination for elderly proprietors, alleviating the physical pain of the elderly. Except for the very popular free traditional Chinese medicine, the convenient services such as knife grinding, hair cutting, and reading glasses washing also facilitated the daily life of the elderly. Overall, the Double Ninth activities were aligned with the elderly’s actual needs and were very meaningful.

The service center of Hangzhou Zhongshun Building carefully prepared Double Ninth cakes for the elderly and held the "Double Ninth Meeting in Blessed Golden Autumn" where the elderly enjoyed the cake and fragrant Longjing tea, spending a relaxing Double Ninth Day and expecting a better life together.

To promote the traditional virtues of filial piety and respect for the elderly and create a harmonious atmosphere of caring for and helping the elderly, service centers of projects in Yiwu, Jinhua, and Quzhou had their own way of celebrating the Double Ninth Day with the elderly. In Yiwu Xiujin, the elderly enjoyed free haircutting, taking on a new look; in Quzhou Moon River, professional photographers were invited to capture the unique style and charm of the elderly; and in Quzhou Chunjiangyue, stewards visited elderly proprietors with longevity noodles that carry the best wishes of peace, happiness, health, and longevity for the elderly.

Binjiang Property is committed to further practicing the “Ginkgo Service” plan for the lush growth of the “Double Ninth Tree”.

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