Behind Double Eleven Shopping Carnival
Binjiang Property’s “Filling Stations” Offer Energy and Cheer for Couriers
Publisher: Release time:2023-11-13
Last year, many property service centers of Binjiang Property in Hangzhou actively responded to the company's initiative and built loving courier stations for couriers during the Double Eleven shopping festival, which was very well welcomed and recognized by many couriers who start delivery every early morning, not returning home till late at night. The couriers were very touched by the care they felt at these stations.

In late October this year, various major shopping platforms launched their Double 11 promotions. Binjiang Property's "Filling Station" has called for care and support for couriers in various property projects in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Wenzhou, Quzhou, receiving a positive response. The special seasonal "chrysanthemum and goji berry tea" has become the preferred choice of many projects for couriers. Being the most empathetic towards the hard work of couriers going back and forth to deliver parcels to everyone, the front-line property management staff of various projects are leveraging the advantages of their projects to offer bread, fruits, and exclusive resting areas for couriers, doing their utmost to offer loving services to couriers during the special Double Eleven period.

Hangzhou The City Star, Emerald Coast, Xixi Star A Cup of Autumn Tea Helps Relieve Stress of Couriers

On November 2nd, the property service center of Hangzhou The City Star became one of the first several service centers that set up a filling station for couriers. It is the second time that The City Star has participated in the loving service program for couriers. A simple cup of tea for this autumn could be a perfect choice to soothe both the exhausted body and mind of couriers.

The property management staff of Hangzhou Emerald Coast prepared special chrysanthemum and goji berry tea for couriers busy with Double 11 delivery peak. According to property management staff, couriers and takeaway deliverymen would often stop by and have a cup of free tea at the south gate, and some proprietors would also occasionally come and have some tea as well.

The filling station at Hangzhou Xixi Star combines the functions of energy replenishment and rest. In addition to drinks, snacks, hot water, and a microwave oven for couriers to heat up meals, the property service center has also specifically prepared a comfortable rest zone, allowing couriers to have a buffer space for rest and physical recovery amidst their busy work schedules.

Shanghai Park One
Special Seasonal Chrysanthemum and Goji Berry Tea Online

Around the Double Eleven shopping festival, compared with other residential quarters, the workload of couriers responsible for package delivery within Shanghai Park One is particularly heavy, with the number of daily home deliveries increasing to about 4,000 pieces. In order to ensure orderly and smooth delivery of all packages and to make sure that takeaway deliverymen can get water and food easily when they are hungry or thirsty, the service center of Shanghai Park One quickly set up a "filling station" at the north gate to provide couriers and takeaway deliverymen with special seasonal chrysanthemum and goji berry tea, snacks, and refreshments to restore their energy.

"This tea is really a timely help when my mouth feels dry. Really appreciate what the property management staff did for us," said a courier emotionally. The property service center of Shanghai Park One also stated that they will continue to listen to the voices of couriers and bring more heartwarming services for them.

Shangyu The City Star
Abundant Choices of Drinks, Snacks, and Fruits at Filling Station

In Shangyu The City Star, the number of deliveries within the residential quarter has been increasing since November 2nd, and the total daily number of packages delivered by various express companies such as SF Express and from November 3rd to 6th reached around 2,000 pieces.

The dramatic increase in the number of deliveries has brought a greater burden to couriers. Deeply empathizing with the hard work of couriers, property management staff of the service center of Shangyu The City Star set up a Double Eleven filling station to offer chrysanthemum and goji berry tea, oranges, bananas, cherry tomatoes, muffins, and other food to help couriers regain their strength.

"I've served so many residential quarters, and it's the first time I've received such a heartwarming service from a property management company. No wonder Binjiang Property enjoys such a high reputation among everyone!" said a courier from SF Express when he took the chrysanthemum and goji berry tea handed by a property management worker.

Yueqing Golden Garden
Exclusive Rest Zone and Free Staff Canteen

"I'm so busy every day that I don't even have time to have meals. But the help of property management staff is like a timely rain and has taken care of it for me. I'm very grateful for that," said Li, a ZTO Express courier, as he ate his bread in Yueqing Golden Garden.

On November 6th, the number of packages delivered to the residential quarter exceeded 1,800 pieces, an increase of over 300 pieces compared to three days ago. In order to let the designated couriers in the residential quarter feel the "support behind them and the energy within them", Yueqing Golden Garden has launched a comfortable version of the "filling station" service, not only providing free access to the staff canteen for the courier, but also setting up an exclusive rest zone for them in the club, equipped with energy supplements such as hot tea, hand-ground dried tofu, French soft bread, and mineral water.

Now it is the peak of express delivery, and the property management staff has arranged home delivery service for proprietors with special circumstances, which has been well received by all proprietors. Binjiang Property staff will stand together with couriers to fight this tough battle of Double Eleven express delivery hand in hand.

Quzhou Chunjiangyue
Tea and Drinks and Snacks for Couriers

Couriers delivering packages in Quzhou Chunjiangyue can enjoy chrysanthemum and goji berry tea, biscuits, Swiss rolls, candied tangerine peels, and other snacks prepared by property management staff at the service center's "filling station".

"Our filling station was launched on November 4th, and we've informed express companies and couriers of our courier station to visit. They all felt very warm," introduced by Zhu, property management director of Quzhou Chunjiangyue.

Behind the Double Eleven shopping carnival is the heavy delivery burden of couriers. Binjiang Property sincerely hopes that this cup of autumn tea can help them regain their energy and support them to set off again.

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