Outstanding Employee of the Year
“Hearty Service, Loving Home” – the Belief of a Binjiang Property’s Order Director in Shangyu
Publisher: Release time:2023-12-27
As another year is coming to its end in the cold winter, let's take a review of the ordinary yet extraordinary journey that we have traveled in 2023. In residential quarters served by Binjiang Property, heartwarming stories of good deeds, mutual assistance, and warm services by frontline property management staff continue to emerge. They are all outstanding employees of the Year 2023.

Longshan Palace is an external project in Shangyu District, Shaoxing City of which the property management was taken over by Binjiang Property in November 2018. Guo Muran is the current order director of Longshan Palace. He joined the Longshan Palace team in 2020 as an ordinary order team member, and thanks to his diligence in work and strong sense of responsibility, he was promoted to the order director at the beginning of 2023.

Several days ago, Guo Muran was alert to the sound of a child crying in the distance as he approached the basement in the course of routine patrol. With the skills acquired through daily practice, he immediately identified the direction to the child's location and soon found the crying child. He picked the child up and gently asked if the child was lost.

The child said that he couldn't find the way home. Guo Muran comforted the child tenderly and asked if the child remembered the parents' names and the room number. However, the frightened couldn't remember anything.

Guo Muran took the child back to the service center. Through various channels such as scanning through surveillance video and consulting the proprietors' WeChat group, the parents of the child were finally found. As Guo Muran sent the child back to the child's home, the parents were already anxiously waiting outside.

Having their child back, the parents were profuse in their thanks. It is the perfect embodiment of Binjiang Property's corporate philosophy of "Hearty Service, Loving Home". Guo Muran's warm hug brought a sense of security to the child at the child's most fearful moment.

"Great wisdom always lies in trifles" is a phrase often spoken by director Guo. As to children in the residential quarter, he is like a trustworthy and close big brother.

To do small things well and fulfill all responsibilities is the professional code of director Guo. He always puts proprietors first and proactively offers services to the satisfaction of proprietors, such as helping proprietors who struggle with heavy bags to reduce their burden and helping the elderly who are unfamiliar with gas stove cook. As the leader of the order team, he guards the safety of the residential quarter and prevents fire hydrants from freezing in the cold winter. In addition, he also often imparts fire safety knowledge to the property management team to enhance their fire protection skills.

With a sincere heart, Guo Muran endeavors to serve the proprietors well and make proprietors feel reassured and at ease.

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