100 Red Scarves Witness the Bidirectional Care and Trust between the Proprietors and Staffs of Binjiang Property
Publisher: Release time:2023-12-29
The care and trust between the property company and proprietors are “bidirectional”. The most heartwarming interaction is that, I am guarding your home and receive recognition from you. 

On December 22nd, Mr. Wang, a proprietor of Hangzhou Lake and View Townhouse, sent 100 red scarves to frontline staffs of Binjiang Property, converging into a warm current in the cold winter. Then, a family photo of all the staffs opened their arms and surrounded a concentric circle with red scarves instantly lighted up the winter, that’s the way they expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the owner.

The reason why Mr. Wang sent 100 red scarves to the staffs of Binjiang Property is a warm action taken by the housekeeper in the cold weather. On December 17th, the housekeeper Yu Jihao discovered the water pipe of Mr. Wang, a proprietor of townhouses, was frozen during his patrol, he contacted the engineer immediately to deal with the water pipe and do a good job of insulation. Subsequently, Mr. Wang presented a silk banner to the housekeeper for his gratitude, and said that, “I am so relieved to have your warm service, and I will give you all the same warmness with scarves.”

It is said that the services provided by property staffs are common. However, the common service is closely related to the sense of security, comfort, and happiness of all proprietors. These 100 red scarves manifest the full recognition of the property company by the proprietors, witness the bidirectional care and trust between the proprietor and the property company, and express the vision of both parties working together to create a better life in the community.

On Winter Solstice just passed by, the housekeepers of Lake and View Community prepared the Winter Solstice Dumplings Making activity for all the proprietors, there were busy figures of Binjiang Property staffs from purchasing fresh ingredients to preparing flour, fillings, etc. The property company and proprietors made an appointment on the Winter Solstice, counting their efforts and gains throughout the year, demonstrating their skills in making dumplings, and putting good luck and blessings into the filling to express their wishes for the coming year.

2023 is coming to the end, but the warm prelude in the cold winter is still blooming. 

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