Outstanding Employee of the Year
Understanding Binjiang Property Service from a Steward’s Day at Shanghai Wisdom Park
Publisher: Release time:2024-01-10

Since Binjiang Property’s official entry into Shanghai Wisdom Park in Pudong New Area, Shanghai on November 1st, 2022, the frontline property management staff have worked tirelessly and painstakingly for more than one year to serve the proprietors and the residential quarter. Through their efforts from tree and flower planting and lawn laying to the changing landscape throughout the four seasons, from the lighting project of the public area to facility and equipment renovation, from the improvement of residential quarter quality to the enrichment of community activities, the whole residential quarter is rejuvenated. Their work is recognized gratefully by proprietors.

All the past in the year 2023 is a prologue to the future. In 2023, another outstanding employee of the year received wide recognition from the proprietors. He Shuyun is a steward at Shanghai Wisdom Park. She is a typical example of how frontline Binjiang Property staff produce extraordinary achievements in ordinary daily work and a perfect embodiment of the service style and professionalism of the Binjiang Property staff who work on the frontline of property service. From a day of He Shuyun, we can understand how Binjiang Property provides satisfactory service to Shanghai Wisdom Park.

Shanghai had its first cold wave of this winter on December 21st, 2023 when the temperature plummeted to minus 7 degrees Celsius. At Wisdom Park, just as He Shuyun, a steward of Wisdom Park, received her lunch from a deliveryman, a sudden call interrupted her lunchtime. It was a call for help from a proprietor in Building 6 who said anxiously, “He, help! There’s a lot of water coming down from the canopy of our balcony!”

After receiving the urgent request for help from the proprietor, He Shuyun gave up her lunch and contacted an engineer quickly. They hurried through the cold wind and arrived at the proprietor’s home in about four minutes. The first thing they did was to check the water meter which was found running unusually fast. After communicating with the proprietor, the main water valve was turned off.

Later, He Shuyun and the engineer climbed up to the rooftop and did a careful inspection of the solar equipment. It turned out that the water pipe of the solar equipment had frozen and burst due to the low temperature, causing the water leak.

The engineer took quick action to help the proprietor drain the water tank, turn off the water valve, replace the broken pipe, and cover the water pipe with insulation cotton to avoid freezing for the second time. He Shuyun and the engineer also helped clean and dredge the gutter at the rooftop.

He Shuyun and the engineer worked on the rooftop for nearly 2 consecutive hours in the biting cold wind to fix all the problems. After that, she explained the cause of the water leak to the proprietor. “Thank you a lot. I’m very obliged that you came to help me out in such cold weather,” said the proprietor. The service and the professionalism of Binjiang Property staff were again recognized by proprietors in Shanghai.

In the afternoon, He Shuyun was patrolling around the building and then received another message from a proprietor in Building 1, complaining that someone had dropped something from the balcony upstairs and dirtied the clothes hanging in her yard. He Shuyun arrived at the proprietor’s house soon and found that there was something like dirt all over the yard, emitting a strange odor.

As it was a workday, He Shuyun contacted proprietors upstairs one by one through WeChat. And it finally turned out that the dirt-like substance was nutrient soil that dropped from the 5th floor as a result of the explosion of a bonsai on the balcony of the 5th floor. Hu Shuyun soon asked the cleaning staff to clean and wash the yard.

After learning the truth, the proprietor expressed sincere gratitude to He Shuyun for her timely response and quick solution to the problem.

He Shuyun is a post-90s steward who joined the property management team less than one year ago, during which time she actively responded to the service needs of proprietors and deeply understood the most simple and vital connotation of property service, which is to understand what proprietors want and are urgently in need of and provide solutions to proprietors’ worries.

Ms. Huang is one of those proprietors who were once helped by He Shuyun. On December 23rd, 2023, Ms. Huang sent a thank-you letter to express her high satisfaction and deep gratitude to Binjiang Property. In the letter, she mentioned that since Binjiang Property’s entry into the residential quarter, the warm and considerate property service and the upgraded greening and facilities have greatly enhanced the proprietors’ living experience in the residential quarter.

She also gave special praise to He Shuyun and commented He Shuyun’s service with “high professionalism and enthusiastic service”. In the letter, Ms. Huang described He’s service as follows, “Whether it is for house maintenance or other urgent needs, she is always able to coordinate with all parties concerned to solve any problem in a quick and efficient way. Not only that, but she helped us with various matters on her own initiative during the three months when my family and I were not home. Her active service made us feel that we could always seek her support whenever we are in need.”

For property management staff, to become the reliance of proprietors means to receive the proprietors’ greatest trust in them and is the greatest motivation for them. In 2024, the whole Binjiang Property will take brave and firm steps in the face of new changes and challenges.

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