Binjiang Property Staff’s Quick and Effective Solution to the Bathroom Leak for a Proprietor in Yueqing
Saved the Proprietor from the Loss of Renovation
Publisher: Release time:2024-01-26

In mid-January 2024, Mr. Huang, a proprietor of Dongchao Mansion in Yueqing, visited the service center of Dongchao Mansion with a banner to express his gratitude to the Binjiang Property staff for their considerate assistance.

One day in early January, Mr. Huang found that the ceiling of the master bathroom was leaking. The renovation company removed the ceiling but still couldn’t find the cause of the leak, and suggested that the entire bathroom be dismantled and renovated. In desperation, Mr. Huang contacted Chen Lu, the project director, and asked if the property management team could help.

Director Chen and his assistant Li Shouwei arrived at Mr. Huang’s house soon. Director Chen climbed up to the ceiling to check and take pictures of the water pipes with his mobile phone. With these pictures, it turned out that the leak was caused by a detachment of water pipes. After finding the cause, they immediately contacted engineer Yang who soon arrived and connected the detached water pipes and helped put the ceiling back.

The proprietor who had already been prepared to dismantle the bathroom to find the cause and didn’t have much hope when contacting the property management team was very surprised at the team’s quick and effective solution to his problem, which also saved him from the loss of renovation. The words “Heartfelt Sincerity for Proprietors, Considerate Solutions to Problems” on the banner truly express Mr. Huang’s feelings about the property management team and its service.

This case of precise service is just a small example of Binjiang Property’s regular service for proprietors. But from this small example, we once again feel the urgency and necessity for property management staff to solve the urgent needs of proprietors. To be an intimate helper of proprietors, property management staff must continuously sharpen their skills and accumulate experience to provide precise, professional, refined, and humanized service for proprietors, thus enhancing the sense of achievement and security brought by property services. While promoting the high-quality development of property service, Binjiang Property will do its utmost to direct the service toward the good and the beautiful.

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