Affectionate Proprietors of Binjiang Property Bring Coolness and Refresh Hearts
Publisher: Release time:2024-08-01
On hot summer days, in residential quarters served by Binjiang Property, the frontline property management staff can always receive refreshing gifts from caring residents and proprietors’ committees. When boxes of beverages and drinking water, as well as watermelons and other heatstroke prevention items, are delivered to property management staff, they are not only moved but also determined to protect the common homes with love, passion, and dedication.

Golden Coast

For the property management staff of Hangzhou Golden Coast, this summer is filled with the happiness of being cared for and recognized. Every summer, Mr. Ge, a benevolent proprietor in Golden Coast, would offer refreshments to the property management team, and this summer is no exception. In July, Mr. Ge sent hundreds of boxes of beverages and drinking water in batches and once again touched the hearts of frontline property management staff. It is Mr. Ge’s special instruction to ensure three bottles of beverages and drinking water per day for each property management worker during this summer. His enduring kindness has inspired property management staff to continue their efforts while remaining true to the original aspiration.

Xixi Star

 “Proprietors and property management staff are members of one and the same family.” On a scorching summer day, the proprietors’ committee of Xixi Star visited the frontline property management staff and sent a large refreshing package including daily articles, beverages, cooling comforters, sun-protective clothing, and 25 kilograms of watermelons, showing their care for property management staff who stick to their posts in the heat of summer. The frontline property management staff will firmly uphold their service commitment and protect the beautiful home for everyone to live up to the trust of the proprietors.

Binyao Mansion

In mid-July, Mr. Yang, a caring proprietor in Hangzhou Binyao Mansion, noticed the property management staff holding fast to their positions during the heat and sent several big watermelons and 22 boxes of beverage and bottled water to the property management staff.

Mr. Yang moved into Binyao Mansion last year, and he said, “I’ve lived in several residential quarters, and this one provides the best environment. The whole place is clean and vibrant, with superb services.”

The precious coolness in this summer reflects proprietors’ care for frontline property management staff and the recognition of their services. The property management staff commit themselves to offering heartfelt services as the best return to proprietors.

Lake and View

A silk banner inscribed with “Heartfelt Dedication in Historical High Temperatures”, a hundred boxes of bottled water, and a batch of watermelons – these are the refreshing gifts offered by ten compassionate proprietors of Hangzhou Lake and View to frontline Binjiang Property staff enduring the summer heat. The proprietors’ recognition and the coolness they bring are so refreshing and touching. With sweat and passion, the property management staff stick to their posts, earning appreciation through their ordinary effort day and night.

Two-way Care and Extension of Love

Hangzhou Myriad Flower Phase I

Hangzhou Jiangnanyufu

The refreshing gifts from Binjiang Property proprietors to the frontline Binjiang Property staff are the best embodiment of the two-way care between them. On the other hand, Binjiang Property extends such love to outdoor workers braving the summer heat. Hangzhou Myriad Flower and many other residential quarters set up herb tea booths for proprietors, pedestrians, food deliverymen, couriers, and sanitation workers to relieve them from thirst.

According to the service center of Hangzhou Myriad Flower, the herb tea booth will be available until August, and the service center will offer the utmost convenience to outdoor workers and deliver effective public welfare services. In Hangzhou Jiangnanyufu, the property management staff has also set up a public tea booth at the west gate, where its sour and sweet plum drink is highly appreciated by outdoor workers.

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