Quzhou Moon River Received a State-level Guest
Publisher: Release time:2021-10-13
“It was about 9 o’clock on the morning of October 9th that I saw it stop on the stone beside the pool, looking around and combing its feathers.” Property management staff of Quzhou Moon River were still very excited when they recalled the scene of first seeing the “giant bird” larger than domestic chickens and with a long tail and were deeply impressed by its elegance and grace.

“We didn’t know what it exactly is. So we took a picture of it and turned to the Internet for help. Then we found it is probably a silver pheasant, which is under second-class state protection in our country. So me called the community immediately.”

Later, officers of Quzhou Forestry Bureau came and confirmed that the “giant bird” was indeed a silver pheasant that’s under second-class state protection. According to them, silver pheasants can be picky about natural ecological environment and are rarely seen at residential quarters.

The Forestry Bureau officer said that silver pheasants are very precious and live away from human beings in mountains. The appearance of it in the residential quarter is a proof of good ecological environment of the residential quarter as well as evidence of less interference but enhanced awareness of animal protection of humans.

Now, the silver pheasant has been brought back to the Forestry Bureau for physical examination and will be released into the natural habitat in due course after confirming that it’s able to survive in the wild.

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