“Rabbit Fu” Gets Popular This Year! Binjiang Property Spreads Spring “Fu” to Every Family
Publisher: Release time:2023-01-18

As the Spring Festival of the zodiac year of the rabbit is approaching, the spring “Fu” spreading event is much anticipated by proprietors of all residential quarters. The Chinese character “Fu” (fortune, bliss) and couplets carry our expectations and our hope for a better life in the coming year. After three years of fighting against COVID-19, this year, many people who have recovered from COVID-19 are finally able to return to their hometowns to celebrate and spend the Spring Festival with their families. Big hugs from the dearest family members and the Chinese character “Fu” pasted everywhere at home will be the most inspiring things in the Spring Festival. Having been waiting for this moment for so long, we hope for nothing but reunion, peace, and health this spring from the bottom of our hearts.

In January 2023, one after another, many Binjiang Property projects in Hangzhou, Yiwu, Quzhou, Jinhua, and other places successfully held the spring Fu spreading event to build up the atmosphere of the Chinese Lunar New Year. Calligraphers, calligraphy teachers, and enthusiasts were invited to write down the character Fu in either a simple, unsophisticated, unrestrained or stately style and send Fu together with blessings to everyone. It was also regarded as a Spring Festival calligraphy exchange meeting.

At the event scene in Hangzhou Emerald Coast, many proprietors also itched to have a go and show off their calligraphy skills. As one of those enthusiastic proprietors, Mr. Du willingly wrote Fu and also Spring Festival couplets for other proprietors. “Giving out Fu is like sharing fortune and bliss with everyone. The handwritten Spring Festival couplets also create a stronger atmosphere of the New Year,” said proprietors gladly.

To enhance the Chinese Lunar New Year mood in the residential quarter, the proprietor committee and property management service center of Quzhou Chunjiangyue invited famous calligraphers to write Spring Festival couplets and Fu for proprietors. Admired by proprietors, calligraphers got writing brushes, ink sticks, paper, and inkstones ready and soon produced a flow of Fu cards and Spring Festival couplets carrying the best wishes. The red Fu cards and Spring Festival couplets were circulated among and carefully appreciated by the proprietors present and made the site full of elements of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The special rabbit Fu cards were especially popular with little proprietors.

In Jinhua Golden Landing, 12 proprietors who are calligraphy enthusiasts were invited to write Fu cards for neighbors. In different styles, the 12 calligraphy enthusiasts wrote the Chinese character Fu of cultural significance, attracting a lot of audiences and adding certain cultural elements to the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Over 130 Fu cards were given out on site for everyone to place their hope and yearning for the New Year on. “The Fu cards made on the spot are even more meaningful than those ready-made cards. Kids are extremely excited about the rabbit Fu cards made by themselves and to share their calligraphy experience with other kids,” said a proprietor.

With the fragrance of the ink and in the profoundly cultural atmosphere, let’s gladly open our arms to the coming spring and a fun zodiac year of the rabbit.

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