Eliminating Risks and Protecting Proprietor’s Safety Within 30 Sec
Publisher: Release time:2023-08-21

At 10:59 on July 25th, Yang Liang, a member of Hangzhou Xixi Star’s order team who was on duty then, found that an electric scooter had caught fire. He immediately rushed out of the sentry box, shouted for the proprietor on the electric scooter to stop, and grabbed a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Within 30 seconds, Yang Liang completed the whole process, timely eliminating the safety hazard and protecting the life safety of the proprietor who later expressed deep gratitude for his actions. According to the service center of Xixi Star, ordinary positions can still have extraordinary impact, and all property management staff of Xixi Star will continue to build a firm “firewall” to guarantee the fire safety of the residential quarter and ensure a safe and orderly environment for the upcoming Asian Games.

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